4 popular web browsers

The internet browser is a special kind of software. No two products share the same functions and features, and most of them can be downloaded at no charge. This gives you many options when it comes to selecting the ideal browser, and the myriad of choices may make it difficult to choose.

4 Ways SMBs benefit from hybrid clouds

The cloud allows businesses to take a more hands-off approach to managing their IT resources. And the hybrid cloud is rapidly becoming the most popular option in this category, especially for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Hybrid clouds are a combination of private and public clouds.

Can AI enhance your e-commerce business?

Artificial intelligence (AI) or “machine learning” has quickly transformed from science fiction to reality, and is currently on track to become an integral part of the corporate business environment. According to experts, by 2020 85% of all customer interactions with businesses will occur via machine learning programs.

Chrome extensions for better productivity

According to Statcounter’s June 2018 web browser usage report, Google Chrome accounts for nearly 60 percent of worldwide market share. Yet despite this whopping account, only a few business users employ any of the productivity-boosting extensions offered in Chrome’s web store.

Cloud: 4 common myths debunked

Overhyped reports of cloud hacks and server failures can lead some small business owners to be wary of a service that has so much to offer. So what are these common misconceptions about cloud computing? Here are a few myths people believe about the cloud.

Web trends in the instant gratification age

Modern internet users usually don’t spend much time on one page. According to researchers, adult attention spans have dropped to eight seconds, creating serious challenges for business owners who need to promote their website. To adapt in this age of instant gratification, website producers are employing several tactics.

HTTPS matters more for Chrome

HTTPS usage on the web has taken off as Chrome has evolved its security indicators. HTTPS has now become a requirement for many new browser features, and Chrome is dedicated to making it as easy as possible to set up HTTPS. Let’s take a look at how. For several years, Google has moved toward a […]

Do WP security updates cause problems?

It’s important for every business to install security patches in WordPress (WP), given the growing number of cyberthreats targeting businesses. Apart from defending your website from threats, patches guarantee that your business stays intact and your data remains in safe hands.

Gmail for web: Useful new features

Google recently introduced new Gmail features that will be especially useful to those looking for a better way to archive unwanted emails, a faster way to reply to messages, and a nifty function that lets users keep messages confidential. And we’ve only just scratched the surface.

Browser-Based Biometrics Boosts Security

Earlier this month, the World Wide Web Consortium, announced plans to begin allowing users to log into online accounts with fingerprints, facial scans, and voice recognition. This will not only boost security, but also make account management much simpler.