How to lengthen your Android’s battery life

A “battery low” notification on your Android phone can be the most frustrating thing in the world, especially when you don’t have a charger with you. You can hastily try to close applications and adjust your phone’s settings, but the damage has been done.

Android mobile security threats today

As bring your own device (BYOD) policies become common practice for companies today, business owners must keep in mind the possible cybersecurity implications of connecting more devices to the company network. If your employees are using Android devices, here are the top five security threats they need to be aware of as well as how […]

Check out Google’s top-of-the-line phone

The first Pixel smartphone from Google was released in 2013. It was a high-performance phone with a lot of useful features for the average business user. On October 9, 2018, Google released the third version of its flagship device and it’s better than ever.

Essential Android apps you should be using

Finding and installing the right apps for your tablet is a challenge to many Android users. How do you know which ones will boost your device’s functionality? Instead of downloading apps at random, try out these seven essential apps for your Android phone or tablet.

5 uses of the Android phone/Chrome combo

The convenience provided by the iPhone/Mac combo is well-known, but syncing your Android phone with Chrome can give Apple a run for its money. Here are five nifty things you can do with Google’s combo. Send directions from Google Maps to your Android phone While Google Maps works great on smartphones, it’s often easier to […]

5 great voice commands for Google Assistant

Google Assistant is essentially the next generation of Google Now. It performs all of the same tasks as Google Now, such as scheduling events and web searching, but has a better, more conversational interface. For a crash course in some of Google’s best AI-powered voice-commands, take a look at five of our favorites.

Android phones at risk of Malware

The average smartphone user tends to be more concerned about their phone’s physical safety than the threat of malware. Malware and other forms of cyberthreats may be more common in desktops and laptops, but disregarding other devices can lead to disaster.

Find cool uses for your old Android tablet

It’s a fact of life that electronic devices don’t stay on top of the market for very long. That nice new Android tablet with all the latest apps and games will soon be replaced with a newer version, and you have the decision to upgrade or be left with a useless piece of metal and […]

Tips on more efficient data use for Androids

If you rely on an Android device and a data plan for email, news, and business, it’s important to optimize how and when that information is downloaded. WIthout careful consideration, you could end up with slower connection speeds and higher bills. Here are 5 ways to avoid those problems.

Android: Data backup and recovery tips

Android phones and tablets have become mini computers capable of storing gigabytes worth of data. But like any computer, that data can be lost or compromised at any time. Users who value their data benefit from planning ahead and backing up their data.